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Ovarian structures
Drugs for superovulation
Micro-surgery setup
Morula Close view
ET in Buffalo
Bisectioning setup on zoom stereo
ET in ipsilateral horn
Aborted Twins in same recipient
FIRST Buffalo test-tube baby in WORLD
Embryo Flushing
Cathter with Stillete
Synchronization drugs
On Microforge Tool making
In-vivo Buffalo embryos
In-vivo cow embryos from single cow
ET calves
Synchronization of estrus
Embryo Manipulation using inverted microscope
Embryo flushing & transfer gadgets
Microforge & pipette puller
Embryo bisection using zoom stereo
Injections for superovulation
Embryos from single cows including hatched one’s
Embryo flushing setup
Size of embryos agewise
Bisectioning of embryo
Superovulated ovary
First Buffalo Cloned calf
Embryos -Single flush
Embryos- Singla flush
Homozygous Bulls with manual bisection
Homozygous twin calves